Girailsole S.r.l.

Girailsole S.r.l.

Prana srl was founded in 2011 with the objective to promote and develop integrated solutions for the Coordination and Implementation of projects in the Construction Sector. The belief that making a photovoltaic system is not only a moral commitment to help reduce atmospheric gas emissions but also a chance to a Guaranteed Investment throughout time, along with the determination to exploit its know-how with obvious technical and economic benefits, has been the foundation for Girailsole Srl.

The company, 50% held by Prana srl and 50% held by the company, Herbert Energy srl, operates photovoltaic plants with a total power of 500 kW (w), in the Municipality of Vellezzo Bellini (PV) and Sant’Alessio con Vialone (PV). The plants have been constructed without any financing, so today the Girailsole srl Company is a source of revenue positively influencing in the Prana Consolidated Financial Statements.

Description: FV Plant – around 199 kWp
Location: Vellezzo Bellini (PV)
Year: 2012
Client: Girailsole S.r.l.

Description: FV plant- around 280 kWp
Location: Sant Alessio con Vialone (PV)
Year: 2012
Client: Girailsole S.r.l.